369 21.12.2011 22:16:36
Hádájí se Řek a Ital, kdo z nich má vyspělejší kulturu.
Řek říká: "My máme Pantheon!"
Ital na to: "My máme Colosseum!"
Řek: "My jsme měli ty největší matematiky v historii!"
Ital: "My jsme měli Římskou říši!"
Řek: "A my jsme vynalezli sex!"
Ital na to: "Ale Italové do něho zapojili i ženy!"
371 21.12.2011 22:16:36
An elderly British gentleman of 83 arrived in Paris by plane.
At the French immigration desk, the man took a few minutes to locate his passport in his carry-on bag.
"You have been to France before, Monsieur?" the Immigration officer asked, sarcastically.
The elderly gentleman admitted he had been to France previously.
"Then you should know well enough to have your passport ready."
The British gentleman says, "The last time I was here, I didn't have to show it."
"Impossible. The British always have to show their passports on arrival in France!"
The elderly gentleman gave the French Immigration Officer a long hard look.
Then he quietly explained;
"Well, the last time I was here, I came ashore on Juno Beach on D-Day in June 1944, and I couldn't find any fucking Frenchmen to show it to."
287 21.12.2011 22:16:36
Na oslavě jedné šlechtické svatby se baví se Angličan se Skotem :
"Vy Skoti jíte ovesnou kaši. My v Anglii ji dáváme koním."
"Tak vidíte," na to Skot, "proto jsou angličtí koně a Skotové nejlepší na světě."
279 21.12.2011 22:16:36
Irské alibi je důkaz, že jste byli na dvou místech ve stejné chvíli.
206 21.12.2011 22:16:35
An American visiting in England asked at the hotel for the elevator.
The portiere looked a bit confused but smiled when he realized what the man wanted.
"You must mean the lift," he said.
"No," the American responded. "If I ask for the elevator I mean the elevator."
"Well," the portiere answered, "over here we call them lifts".
"Now you listen", the American said rather irritated, "someone in America invented the elevator."
"Oh, right you are sir," the portiere said in a polite tone, "but someone here in England invented the language."
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